Our classes

Saturday Theatre Company – Taster

Saturday Theatre Company - Taster

If you are interested in joining the Saturday Theatre Company, come along to a session and get a taste of a Theatre Company rehearsal. See the rehearsal studios, meet the Director and ask questions. With weekly rehearsals and regular performances throughout the year, our Theatre Companies aim to be some of the most exciting contemporary groups in London and offer a chance to participate in theatre productions which fit around your working life.

There is no pressure to sign up - just come along and see what it's all about. For details of the next Taster please contact info@city-academy.com

Read about the experiences of the Saturday Theatre Company members, here >>


This Taster is only for those interested in The Saturday Theatre Company – all the information, studios and director at the Taster only relate to The Saturday Theatre Company.

If you are interested in our other Theatre Companies please see here: >>>>>

For all other classes and courses please see here: >>>>>
