Our classes

City Academy Songbirds - Taster

City Academy Songbirds - Taster

The City Academy Songbirds are our female only choir that meet weekly to sing an eclectic mix of material ranging from musical theatre to pop, rock to jazz, Motown to soul.

Headed by tutor Katherine Hare, members of the City Academy Songbirds receive expert guidance in a fun and supportive atmosphere. It’s a fantastic opportunity to improve your singing skills at the same time as making new friends and having fun. 

If you’re interested in joining Songbirds, you must attend a taster class. During the taster, you will attend a regular rehearsal and meet the rest of the group. The MD will also take the opportunity to hear you sing as well as assess your suitability for the group. Following the taster, the Head of Singing will inform you via email if you have been accepted. The purpose of the session is so that you can meet the Musical Director, as well as get an idea of what membership entails and the level of singing involved.

Membership also provides the opportunity to perform at a number of events throughout the year. This includes the choir’s own dedicated concerts as well as performing as guests at some of City Academy’s other events.


The City Academy Songbirds are an all-female-identifying singing group. The choir is open to anyone who identifies as female and has a soprano or alto vocal range. Singers should have at least some previous group singing experience as our choir are not suitable for absolute beginners.

If you do not have the experience required, we recommend you complete a Beginners Singing and Level 2 Singing course before progressing to the choir.

We are always looking for new members - so if you have a love of performing and are looking to develop your vocal technique, please contact info@city-academy.com for more information .


In weekly rehearsals, you will develop in the following areas:

  • Develop and refine vocal technique and dynamic choral performance
  • Explore a variety of song genres and increase your repertoire knowledge
  • Improve range, pitch and listening skills
  • Learn about the vocal anatomy and build confidence


WHEN: Rehearsals Thursday evenings, 7pm-9pm

WHERE: City Academy at 10 Herbal Hill, Farringdon

REPERTOIRE: Female only, Mixed rep

Take part in a taster rehearsal to see if this choir is for you. 


Sing and perform under the expert guidance of world-class, professional vocal coaches in our Singing Summer School. Take part in a full line up of masterclasses and workshops covering specialised techniques and a range of repertoires
